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Guest Eclipse

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Yeah, I won't wear those damn things. I'll bring clean tennis shoes, and have another pair for going in and out, but no booties for this cowboy. :evileye

t's what I do OT..I have a pair of shoes that have never seen the outside..and I make sure customer sees me put them on..they think your doing a first class job B4 you even start ..get compliments all the time doing that :rollin

Sorry to hear about your wound .I got a couple from blades when I was real young..I should have got stitches, but I just let it scar over :thumb

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Guest thetintshop

so there I was at the home of one of the pickiest customers you can imagine. She was worried that my new shoes were going to mark up her carpet. So she talked me into tinting the windows of her home without my shoes on. This of course was against my better judgment, but I figured "whats the worst thing that can happen, a few blisters on my feet from going up and down the ladder? " No problem maam!

The day goes off without a hitch and there I am looking at the last window to tint. When all of a sudden, I bump the six foot ladder. What is sitting on the top run of the ladder you might ask? The 4inch scraper that I am using to clean the windows with. Now mind you this is the scraper with the 10" handle, so I know this one is going to hurt. The only thing I can think of is to try an catch it, and catch it I did. With the bone in my left index finger, through the skin and into the bone. Blood went everywhere. Luckily I had laid out moving blankets to protect the carpet from water(and blood). It was the last window so I grabbed some masking tape from my tool case, taped it up tight and finished the job.

Six stiches later, I have a new policy.

Um...... No barefoot tinting, and I don't set the scraper on the top rung of my ladder. :hmmm  :hmmm

sorry, but we're gonna have to have pics of this.

am I the only one to take pics of the battle wounds and post them? come on guys/gals, let's see some gory pics.

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Guest Eclipse

I forgot to mention that this happened a few years back.

Thanks for the purple heart TD.

I like the idea of the booties I just don't know if I could take the ribbing I would get from the guys. I can hear it now. "What are you some kind of nurse?" :hmmm

Here is a pic. Kinda hard to see all the gorey details. The cut runs vertically down the left side of the finger. :hmmm

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