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Guest metint

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You need a seasoned installer...

You have a thriving auto stuff store in the Midwest...

What would you pay the new hire in salary or hourly rate, plus commission to keep him happy and staying put?

Any input?

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Sounds like you have been in the business along time

and I dont know a thing

and this being my first post

so I will just add this suggestion

whatever you choose to pay

offer a probation for like three months

and then a pay increase after that

just to see how the employee works out

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metint, after all your years in the business you know as well as I do that money is no assurance of happiness or longevity for an employee.


I tell you what, MM... I'll answer your PM'd questions if you answer mine... What you would pay a seasoned installer to come take control of a couple of newbies, take care of a growing demand for tint and help see a company through to having two, maybe three good installers including the seasoned pro?

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It would depend on a few variables,

How seasoned is the pro?

How green are the nooBs?

Autos and flat?

Who buys the film and tools?

Expected sales volume?

Street price of the tint jobs?

Cost of living in that area?

I would think a slice is due the pro, for training the new guys.

And a bonus for volume, and holding down film cost from waste.

I have a film fund deduction on the paychecks set at 20% of total gross sales.

anything saved in film cost (less than 20% budget), is paid back as a bonus, monthly or quarterly

any usage over 20% is charged the installer.

The installer feels as though saving film = more $$$ as a bonus

no stealing, and waste is minimal

20% is higher than usage anyway, and bonuses make for happy people,

and they keep installers thinking about waste

:dunno just an idea

might even give the pro the bonus for the new guys untill they can fly

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you throw out these questions to bait ppl and I am not biting :hmmm  just like vehicle pricing, there are way too many variables to simply throw out a pay figure for a "seasoned installer".  and for the record, I don't give a damn if you answer any question I've thrown out or not :dunno


Well okay... if that's how you feel about it.

just an idea

might even give the pro the bonus for the new guys untill they can fly

Thanks... that helps another tinter in the Midwest.

Anyone else have input?

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you throw out these questions to bait ppl and I am not biting :lol6  just like vehicle pricing, there are way too many variables to simply throw out a pay figure

:dunno what would you pay a successful business owner who decided to leave his business and become a corporate representative that traines newbies how to tint? it's a question that can't be answered. we all have a different idea of what that person should make.

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I think the pay should be based on the profitability of the installer dosnt mater what they know its what they can produce,

it sounds like your looking for a manager not an installer only or trainer only.

if the person has more responsibility then a 30% installer then pay them more then 30% :heh

out of curuosity are you looking for a job? :dunno

there is a great position in kentucky I hear :lol6

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you throw out these questions to bait ppl and I am not biting :woowoo?? just like vehicle pricing, there are way too many variables to simply throw out a pay figure

:dunno what would you pay a successful business owner who decided to leave his business and become a corporate representative that traines newbies how to tint? it's a question that can't be answered. we all have a different idea of what that person should make.


The answer to that question is based in what the business owner took home on an annual basis from the biz they once owned... not the net profit. Also, based in what part of the country they live...

Yes it is a moving target... but I wasn't looking for a specific number . As many here have a knack for elluding the numbers post, I knew I wouldn't get an answer in terms on $ signs.

Zolar answered in the way I was expecting... as an example.

But hey... sense I'm just a corporate crony and not a retired tinter named metint... I suppose you don't need to answer.

Thanks just the same.

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