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Reasons to Keep it Legal


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Let's put this thread up as a reference to point to for customers that post here who may be inclined to tint darker than legal.

Instead of repeating the same old arguments, we can just give a link to this thread.

A link to this thread will also appear in the side navigation for easy reference, so, let's hear some of the many good reasons to keep it legal! 

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good thread here TD.

a good reason would be to get TD members off your back. 

avoid getting pulled over 20 times before you get to work in the morning.

a good reason to keep it legal in your state is being able tosee out your side view mirrors.


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Guest haroldshouseoftint

some of the tint laws suck and alot of us would like to get them changed, but as long as "illegal" work keeps getting done by "professionals" the more ammo state lawmakers have to keep the laws the way they are, or make them tougher.

That is why you will be instructed by most professional shop owners as to what the laws are for your state, and why they will not do illegal work.

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Good thread and idea..saves saying the same things al the time 

It only takes once to accidentally hit a child and you can't take it back and just say "oops" and fix your fender..the child doesnt get to have a say in your decision to go with dark tint on your front roll downs and/or windshield.

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Guest willie

To be able to keep the laws atleast where there at and to get no worse.

That way the legit tinters in this world that work daily to provide means for them and there family do not get run out of the business for doing the right thing.

I also second what TW said. For the safety and security of everyone 

Nice thread....keep it real 

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Good idea TD! :thumb From srictly a consumer's perspective(I'm sure they have little cognizance of the installer or his family's well being when selecting tint shade), the first two things that come to mind are the same reasons that I don't speed.

1:That I don't have time for a ticket :poke , and

2:I can't afford a ticket. :poke:thumb

Saftey and security are of course serious issues but I'd wager that many people think they are way too skilled a driver to let a "little bit" darker window affect their driving. :krazy

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a. these days lighter films perform as well if not better than some darker films so there is no reason to go dark. (ex.Prestige70 blocks way more heat than CS20)

b. Dont worry about if every cop that goes by you is going to flip a b*tch and get you !!!

c. chicks may think your cool with darker tint...until you run them over because you cant see them

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c. chicks may think your cool with darker tint...until you run them over because you cant see them

But at least they can't run away FROM you :spit

j/k couldn't resist..like Willie says, lets keep it real

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some of the tint laws suck and alot of us would like to get them changed, but as long as "illegal" work keeps getting done by "professionals" the more ammo state lawmakers have to keep the laws the way they are, or make them tougher.

That is why you will be instructed by most professional shop owners as to what the laws are for your state, and why they will not do illegal work.


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