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llumar backer branding

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I recently got what was supposed to be llumar irx, but I'm not so sure it's legitimate, my understanding is the clear backer should have the llumar logo/branding on it, but this seems to be clear with no marking, also shining a bright flashlight through it doesn't seem to be blocking much heat to my hand (closest thing I have to a tester I don't have a meter).  I was looking forward to giving this a redneck try but don't want to put on junk (I am proud of my work and want to do good work).  Am I on the right track thinking this may be fake due to the lack of branding (I did peel it off to make sure it wasn't hidden/masked by the tint itself)? I appreciate any and all guidance you may have.

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44 minutes ago, DynamicATL said:

You got sold some cheap imported film. For like the millionth time on this forum, you CAN NOT buy any big brand name film online...they DO NOT allow this. Any shop caught would be immediately dropped.

Yeah, part of me knew better, but the shop had some good reviews, and I couldn't find anything bad about the seller online, so  I rolled the dice.  thankfully it's ebay so low risk. 

I know it's a lost cause, but I'm a glutton for punishment, any chance someone could show me picture of what the backer looks like?   

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