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Windshields and the customer

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There has to be an easy way to explain distortion on a curved window that is directly in front of them. It’s more noticeable now because you’re staring at what you just bought. Reason no 3 I dislike windshields. Super picky overly paranoid customers. Also :beer sup y’all. Just saying what’s up, and make sure this topic is at the top for now. 

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You're right, and it's not just curved glass that people can't understand!

As soon as the customer starts looking at their vehicle closer than they ever have before, they will begin to notice things they thought were perfect.

I had a Ram in a couple of weeks ago on a Saturday morning.

They're not so common here in Oz and they're super expensive to buy.

Anyway, after the bloke had gone over it over the weekend, I get a call from him and from the tone of his voice he seemed unhappy, so I told him to bring it in to show me what his issues were.

Apart from some water pockets that I had already explained would be around for a few days, he started to point out how the bailey channels on the doors didn't sit perfectly and how there was some scuffing on the black vinyl between the front and rear doors. He even pointed out how green the front doors looked compared to the privacy glass, even after having a 5% film installed, but that's a separate story isn't it!

This guy was going to town, and I was struggling to point out to him that these things, despite their inflated price tag, are not exactly built to Ferrari standards. I told him to check out other trucks at the dealership next time he's in for a service.

In the end I think he got it, and started asking about a couple of other vehicles getting tinted, but it really annoyed me that someone of my experience should be attacked by an amateur who thought he knew every square inch of his vehicle.

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9 hours ago, doctor4766 said:

You're right,  it really annoyed me that someone of my experience should be attacked by an amateur who thought he knew every square inch of his vehicle.

This day and age we have armchair rookie experts calling out true to form experts with decades of experience. Case in point our own Dr. Fauci with a career spanning 50 yrs studying virus and bacteria getting trounced during the Covid crisis.

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