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Tint recommendation

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Just about every brand will have offerings from "just put it on there" up to "I want the best". Something middle of the road, up to a little better than average is where most land at the end of the sale. Especially if you only keep it for a few years or don't spend much time behind the wheel.


Before you purchase go take a look at the jobs on the lot, check the reviews and ask yourself " is this a place that I would send my wife/daughter/grandmother alone?"

Not all shops or areas are created equal.

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Thanks TintDude and Dano.  I think I found the one I want and definitely willing to pay for the best. It was on a vehicle of a guest where I work. He let me look at it, he just doesn't know what brand it is. I couldn't bother him too much about it,  but it was high end, heat blocking, slightly reflective,  15% on the front side windows, yet from the inside looking out was not too dark at all, he said even at night he sees out through the 15% perfectly fine, that's what was so impressive too me. I know it's a longshot, but I figure you guys have seen every brand and new tint technology out there.. you might know offhand. 


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Hard to identify the particular brand but if you want the best quality in regards to general heat/IR reduction I would shop for a ceramic film in one of the following for a neutral charcoal look:



Formula One




These are in no particular order. Some may not be available in your area depending on which shops choose to align with their preferred brands. All of the above in a ceramic should last for the life of your vehicle ownership.


Thank you for supporting the top line of our industry. It's what drives the manufacturers to advance product improvements.


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