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Frankenstein or reverse roll ???

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I have sheets that I use to cover rear decks. I unfold on onto the rear deck then take a slim foot and jam it down to the bottom and make it all nice and neat with excess on each side. I clean rear glass according to the degree it needs. I take a microfiber and wrap a platinum reach and wipe and clean top and edges well. Clean window final time, spray slip solution over entire glass, then unroll left to right my precut film. If it moves to much during this process I use the slim foot to hold it at the bottom. I finish carefully unrolling then pulling the liner off and remain careful not to allow the bottom right hand corner to flip and touch the deck. I then use an 18 inch black and white to make a precurser run over the entire film then use my blue max for final pass. Usually comes out great!


@quality tintz

Edited by TNTLady
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With reverse roll, too much slip makes it fall, which is when it wont come as clean. I unroll a couple inches from the side and about 4 inches from the bottom edge. As i unroll it,  i smooth it out with my hand, letting the top 6-8 inches hang.  I unroll 3/4 of it like this, then pull the liner unrolling the rest, keeping the last 6 inches from touching the glass. Then I shift in to one side slighly and down.  Also, i tape any headliner off that might be a issue and sometime the rear deck or one side corner of deck. 

Edited by pbalentine
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When you franky, head under or over? Which is cleaner? LoL

I think whatever you do the most, franky or reverse roll, will be the cleanest after doing it for a bit. Just like the top or bottom load argument, if it's your daily deal it'll be your cleanest out of repetition because you're mindset is a clean install.

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As a reverse roller I still think frankie wins if you got i down right.  Most people I've seen frankie are really good tinters  Like the shop I trained at some guy that frankied only tinted like 2-3 years and never seen anyone tint like him.  Just laugh when i hear tinters saying they been tint 20 years and they're the best.  Yep, but some can get there in a few years.

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