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6 minutes ago, Slick said:

and soon....




Growing up all the kids in the neighborhood had bikes, so we'd be out all day riding all over town, thru the woods, etc. So much fun.  I miss those days. Crazy to think - my parents would let me ride over to my friends house, which was a 20 min car drive... so it probably took like an hr or more to bike. No one had cell phones back then... I'm almost sure that wouldn't be doable today. I was probably 12 when I started doing that trek. And then him and I would ride all around his area for the day and not go home until it was dark.



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10 minutes ago, DOOTINT said:

Bicycles are okay but dirtbikes are way more fun


I never had a dirtbike growing up. Always wanted one, but never got one. I think a big part of that was none of my friends had any... so I wouldn't have had anyone to ride with. Now as an adult I still think they would be a blast to ride - but a) cost and b) the thought of getting hurt kindof outweighs the fun aspect. While I'm sure getting hurt isn't a guarantee, the cost factor is. lol  The whole - the difference between men and boys is the price of their toys - holds true. :thumb2


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