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L.O.T.P. #471

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I'm still shaking my head over this... I have NO idea how I got hit.


The two biggest places are porn site and rouge gaming sites..


Neither of which do I visit... not worth the hassle.. so I'm not sure where I even got it... But that's neither here nor there I guess.

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That's unfortunate, man :unsure: . I never keep anything on my computer anymore after that's happened to a few people I know. If I do, it's nothing I would care to lose. 



Damn  Roach,  Sorry  :console   Maybe they can recover some when you re-do the hard drive :dunno  I hope it's not to bad.  

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Na.. I was reading up on what this actually does... it makes a copy of all your files and encrypts them, which the encryption can't just be broken without the key.


Then it deletes the original file and does a bunch of write passes over the hard drive, so you can't recover the deleted good file.


They use 'tor' and bitcoin to hide who and where these people are.... making it impossible to stop them.


It's rather ingenious... aside from the whole "do to others as you'd like done to you" moral code that humans generally try to live by. :lol2

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Afternoon Peoples.... :waving



Booms with the understatement of the decade!!   :thumb


Give him a medal!!



Yes!   :boogie



Hey Booms. When was the last time you heard this. :lol



It's been awhile.... :lol

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So here's a new one...


Been house/dog sitting.. was at my apt last nite until about 7. Came home a few min ago to see my computer was hit with one of those - if you want your files back you'll pay us big money - viruses......



Please.. someone shoot me now.

 That sucks .


Gotta practice safe surfing


I taught my kids that if ANYTHING pops up they are not to click on it but hit CTRL ALT DELETE and End Task.

If something comes up and says it needs updated CTRL ALT DELETE then tell me about it.


15 years of playing on the PC's and I haven't had to stab a PC with a screwdriver or ban a clicko holic child from the machines.



My only concern with a "free"  "upgrade" to 10 would be that Microsoft has already set up Office as a yearly subscription. Wanna bet Windows will go that way too????


Linux is looking better and better

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