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Last One To Post Wins Game #456

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Twice baked taters for lunch.


Ugh, too much baby drama today. 


Hope Shay is feeling better.  Having fun with the "two's"  I see  :wall


My neighbor thinks the whole block enjoys his music.  :evileye


UGH, I hate it when it's at a house :facepalm  At least in car, you can drive off.  

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Customer offered me a beer yesterday... I was working on my last window of the day.. was probably like 6:30pm.

I took it... I'm never sure what to do when offered. It's only happened a few times over the years - the last time it was a Saturday job... I was tinting a sunroom.. and homeowners had one with me.

I figure that if the customer is going to offer it, go for it. I went to a job interview after normal working hours and the guy offered me a beer. I wasn't going to do it but figured it would be a good way to show an interest and relax.
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Roach ..  :beer  


We stay open until 7:00pm but after 5:00 if you want a beer...get one  :40  If you abuse it, then it stops  :nono


Also, rent for using the lifts or shop space to work on your own stuff or a friends stuff, is BEER!!  amount depends on how long you use the space  :DD


Most people wouldn't offer you a beer if they weren't okay with it.  Don't feel bad about taking one or having one with your customer at the end of the job.  It's good to network with your customers, and they will appreciate you for it.  Again, just don't abuse it  :passout

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