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100% UV blocking film

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Hi all, thanks for you're help so far, it's much appreciated as its been a quick lesson on UV for myself as I'm know where near as knowledgeable as I should be on this subject.


These are interior windows, they also require the ceiling lights tinting. The company creates Electronic items.

I've put the request in to find out exactly what range of UV they require protection from. When we first met they told me another company have told them they could supply and install an amber film made by 3M which would stop 100% Uv rays up to 500nm, although with the research I have done since I can't find anything 3M make similar to that and I'm beginning to think that was just  typical sales talk crap.


I have found a film that may be what I'm after I'm just awaiting to hear from there rep tomorrow, although its not from a window film manufacturer, the normal suppliers don't seem to do anything like that although Ian from SG is getting back to me tomorrow regarding the best film they can supply and then I'l do a trail with that, you never know they may not require the level of protection they think but we'll find out.


Thanks again all,




Madico Amber 81 as Tom suggested, I have installed it many times and it will be the closest film to the specs they are looking for. 







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