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Looking for Extra Work? Are you Mobile? Do you service Orange County C

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Need MOBILE window tinter and/or clear bra installers. Experience required (min. 5 years +) or have worked on 500+ cars (Residential/Commercial is a plus). Need to have own inventory (materials, etc. with manufacture warranty). Prefer professional, reliable, high integrity installers. This is not a full time position, this is a contract position based on jobs available in your demographic area. Must present with professional attire and have good communication and business skills. Depending on the quality of service and work you provide this can result in more work for you. This is not an employee position this is an INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR position.

If interested please reply to relictintco@me.com with the following info:

1. Include in Subject Line: Tinter/Clear Bra Installer

2. Attach resume

3. In body of email share your experience and the brand name product you use for installation

Thank you.

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