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Most of you have heard by now of the rare, devistating and record setting storm which came ashore along the NJ coast yesterday.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who lost loved ones, family members, pets, their entire homes and all posessions. We have not heard from several of our regular customers whom we know were within the path of the worst of the storm's wrath. Some of them are members of these boards. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We know that the nights are dark, damp, cold and lonely for you. We pray for a speedy return of your comfort and well being.

There are boats on railroad tracks, cars in the ocean, subway trains under water, collapeed homes and buildings and entire towns submerged. This storm was the worst that anyone has ever seen in modern history.

More than half of Danbury CT (home of EWF headquarters) is without power. Entire familes are living in shelters. Power crews have been spotted nearby and work appears to be in progress, but we have no set date and time for service restoration. EWF does have backup power generators, but the phone and data lines have been severed as well. In addition, UPS and FedEx have scaled their operations back to a crawl in the enitre region, as so many streets and highways are impassible.

We sincerely appreciate your kind understanding and patience during this trying period. As soon as the utilities are restored, we will resume our operations. Several of our staff members are without power and utilities in their own homes. Darkness comes early this time of year and their homes are cold.

I will post again once there is news.

Please pray for everyone, especially our fellow board members who were devistated by this storm.


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Thanks TD,

Let me give a shout out to all our customers and fellow board members in Long Island, the Jersey Shore and the Southern CT Coast. We know your neighborhoods were devistated and our thoughts and prayers are with you.

If anyone has any updates or knowlege of their situations, please post them or call EWF and leave a message on the machine (we are monitoring the lines off site).


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