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Free Tshirts?

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I love free shirts...they go great on the racquetball courts!

Seriously though, I have seen people wearing shirts from some places such as a few body shop/ custom paint shops around the area, but other than that I hardly ever see anyone wearing them

I did 60 T's years ago and gave them away....can't say I ever saw anyone wearing them.....or had a call from someone who had seen one either.

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Making up some tshirts for our shop and thinking of making some for customers as giveaways. I love free tshirts, I am thinking this might be better than a sticker or business card, more expensive, but more visible. Anyone have any experience or advice?

If not less than a can of alcohol based glass cleaner, then it's a nice touch. Just maker sure they don't ask for a shirt 2-3 sizes too big for their frame because it'll only see the light and dark of their bedroom.
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Back when I did a lot of radio advertising, I would have a station "tip off" listeners of the time

and location of a "drive by shirting". Maybe a mall entrance, movie theater during busy times,

or before the weekend dirt track races. We would have kids throwing shirts out at the crowd,

of course as we "drove by"!

It was fun and my shop was very popular because of unusual things like that.

Amarillo was a pretty small market, though. May not be feasible in your area.

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thanks for all the info guys, I guess we might give away tshirts for ceramic jobs, other than that we will just sell them and keep some around for giveaways and such. DynamicS, I used to give away tons of decals but the last 3 years no one wants them on their cars anymore, they are big into completely debadging and taking alll the stickers off cars around here.

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Guest VaTinterPMan

Yeah if you could come up with something catchy or appealing, Like ( this is prolly stupid but I'm throwing things out there ) I'm skin cancer free cause I got my Car tinted @... Its :cold and I have had some Liquor already what can I say.... But do you know what I mean?

If it is something with just a Tint Shop people won't notice it....But Cancer is a huge thing....Each one have there own color...Breast Cancer is Pink I don't know about Skin. I'm just throwing Ideas out there. If I trigger something for you let me know....

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Send me one! Ill wear it!! :thumb

Don't forget a little test bottle of slime while your at it! :lol

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