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Dog for the shop

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In 34 yrs of marriage, we are xurrently on only our 3rd puppy.

The Lab we currently have was adopted from the city shelter, no harrassment, just fill

out the paperwork and take her on home.

Scared as you know what when thunderstorms come, but otherwise extremely well behaved!

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i know we are having problems because i want a specific breed, I was told that sends out redflags on larger breeds. I guess people use the larger breeds to train fighting dogs? I really wonder how big dog fighting is, because the rescues constantly talk about the people that do it. I would just assume, maybe i am just too nice, that most ppl are rescueing a dog for the right reasons /shrug

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ya, we are actually talking to a breeder with a genetic guarantee. Our last dog had to be put down because of a genetic disorder in her spine. A lot of rotties have issues from overbreeding or irresponsible breeding, so this time we are going to really find a responisble breeder with a fantastic bloodline. We got a lead on a breeder that has been only breeding his dogs a few times in their lifetimes, so the line is really clean. His male that he started with lived to 17 years old.

i also support the rescues, but for me they don't seem to work. I did rescue my cat though!

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just the dog that i love. have had them for years, every one has been an amazing dog. They are good with every situation I have ever put them in, tried and true imo. The breed is exceptional in their behaviors, they all seem to have an amazing intelligence, and a good heart. I have had other dogs, a couple of rescued mutts, and although they were good dogs for me, the rotties have been the better for us as a family and for the shop. Every breed was bred for a specific purpose and although everyone can use different types of dogs to multitask, the best owners (imo) consider what their dog was bred for and what that breeds needs will be ahead of time. The rott is a perfect fit for us.

a buddy of mine recently rescued a husky, just because she loved the blue eyes on her. She is a good dog, but was breed to run in the snow all day long. My buddy doesn't understand why a mile walk doesn't do anything to wear her dog down. So I suggested getting her a cart and making the dog, Shea, pull the kids around when she walks. Shea is now manageable, doesn't chew or whine all day, or get out of the fence and run the neighborhood. My buddy got the dog because she was pretty, and didn't think about what the dog would need from her. She has to walk her 2 times a day, she loads her up with all kinds of stuff in the cart, even walks 2 miles to the store and fills up the cart with groceries. Shea loves it and my friend has learned to love it as well, but it took about a month to get Shea's bad behavior to stop.

I know ppl mean well when they get a dog, but a lot of them aren't just to be our buddies. Made for a purpose, if the purpose isn't fulfilled you will have behavioral problems. I know some horse ppl like this too, "lets get an arabian because they are pretty"....yikes...

so, I know what a rotty needs from me, I can give it a purpose for its design and it will be a great relationship :)

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