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Dog for the shop

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little story here. I have personally been frustrated with a few rescue groups, I actually have found a few dogs but because they were rotties, the groups seemed to really, really make you work to get them. I found a 10 month female rotty. Filled out the application to adopt her. Because I am self employed and my back yard isn't fenced in, they didn't approve my app. They said if I got a "real job" with a paycheck that I could reapply. Hm. So the dog I wanted was adopted out. Found a 3 year old male that had been through lots of abuse, applied for him. Denied because I wanted to take him to work with me and the rescue group didn't think it was fair that I would make him "work" after what he had been through.

now granted, if I didn't want a full rotty, I could have probably nabbed several mutts or any other breed without much of an issue, but because I want a specific breed I am finding it very hard to work through the paperwork.

Sad ending, the 10 month old was returned 2 times to this rescue group and then given to a family who had a fence. She got out and is now missing. The 3 year old male was adopted by an older man who got frustrated with his behaviors and the man beat him to death. It is actually in the local news.

We do work at the airforce base around here and I took less clearance to get into the airforce base than the rescue app. I am really frustrated by it honestly.

i have a friend who runs a rescue and keeps trying to help me get a rotty, but because of the breed it seems like the paperwork is always going to be a bitch and the no fence, taking them to work, and not having a "real" job is going to affect the app every time. Her and I are both very frustrated that my applications are being denied over what we think are trivial reasons. I even facebook friended one of the rescue groups so they could see how my other rotts lived and how well we took care of them. I also had to give them a list of 5 references to verify I had had a rotty and knew how to handle them. Had to give them a copy of my house insurance, shop insurance, and copy of my house payment receipts.

My rescue buddy says that this really is only because of the rotty breed and that I could have any other dog I wanted without half the paperwork. Her insurance won't let her rescue rotts, so she can't help me there.

sorry, done venting.

but I am still pretty upset about it. I have always had "rescues" whether I got them from a shelter or they were dumped at my parents farm, or someone couldn't take care of them anymore. Ari (my last rott) we did purchase, but before her I had 2 rotty rescues, but this was about 12 years ago now.

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ya, I said that they wouldn't be working really, just protection (if needed) and mostly a door greeter. And as for the no fence, I explained that my dogs have always gone everywhere I go. Work, boating, cruising, fishing, hiking etc. my dogs are the happiest dogs on earth. My dogs only ever spend a hour or two alone and that is always in the house (generally sleeping in my waterbed) I was really saddened about the male that was killed, it broke my heart really. I went and met him and he was a gentle boy, just needed some work on the leash and listening skills, nothing that couldn't be fixed at all.

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That part about the dog working kinda tickled me !

As if you are going to train the dog to install and do film removals, answer the phone and cash out Customers ?

The only time Doggie would be working would be as the complaint department !

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My family had Rotts as I was growing up. I love the breed, but hip displasia is rampant. We had to put down two because of it. That was soo hard being a little kid and holding my best friends head as he drew his last breath. I've had great experiences with German Shepards, Labradors, Rottweilers, English Bulldog, many many pit bulls, and a Neopolitan Mastiff. They all had very unique qualities. I currently own an American Bully, most people think he's a Pit. He's UKC registered as one but also registered with American Bully Kennel Club. He is a giant Teddy bear. However I know the breed well. He was socialized as a pup with people and other animals, and obedience trained. The last thing I want to do is perpetrate the myth that the ENTIRE breed is bad because they aren't. 95% of the time it's irresponsible owners, 5% it's a bad dog. But any breed can have bad examples. Anyway my dog Kaiser is the smartest dog I've ever owned. Crate trained at 2 1/2 months. Full hand signals at 4 months. He's escaped out of every kennel except the last one I bought for $250. I call it Alcatraz. You'll find one GG. Maybe ditch the rescues since they're giving you all that guff. Find a reputable breeder. Then the dog is yours to do as you please. Either a lazy house mutt or a slave at your shop slapping on vinyl and tint. Just don't let him eat all the Slime. I'm a shoe in for the current raffle I feel it.

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The rescue that I've fostered for is very much like what you've found.... They are super strict with approving people for adopting and many of the dogs are mutts. Even the local shelter gave my sister issues with adopting cats! It's nuts.

It sounds like your dogs def. have a great life that's for sure!

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