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Vitnari films

Guest Mr. tint530

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Guest Mr. tint530

Have you heard or used this film please help I need input about this film?? I don't want to sell it if its crap I normally use solar guard hp smoke I don't like the smoke I like nr films . I need a lifetime warranty film for the best price. Just opend my own Shop and need some info. Thank you all this site is awesome. I was taught by a old school tint guy and I try to keep it the same way but new twist

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Guest VaTinterPMan

If your looking for good films try out Express Window Films......Great Films...Offers a lot of NR films as well as HP in the same line...Don't offer just one line of film to your customers is all I can say....If your not using them because of Signal trouble with GPS, Radio, Radar Dec/Laser dec and/or whatever You can use Ceramic Films they block more heat than most HP/NR films if not ALL!!!!!! Check him out...Hist spec sheet and Price List is on his Web Page.....Read about Express in this Forum People Live by them.....


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Guest Mr. tint530

Thanks... I set up an account and after reading on here for about 3 days straight im going to offer a couple brands of Tint. Express im going to try out how does it work can I get like samples to try or do I need to but a whole roll?

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Guest Mr. tint530

Wow the prices on express are right where I need to be can you help me here I started and have used solar guard lifetime hp smoke and that's what I'm good with.what express film would you say is the closest shrinking wise? adhesive wise? In your opinion what would you say would I want to go with if I wanted to stay around the same .I've never used ceramic films. And there just not in my price range

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Guest VaTinterPMan

Express window films will prolly be easier to work with...They shrink easier, the Adhesive is strong.....You can ask about samples, Howard has sample rolls you can buy pretty cheap to buy and try out...sample rolls here http://expresswindowfilmsnc.com/osc/index.php?cPath=445264

Classic Black or Charcoal would be good to use, he also has smoke in HP/NR...But I would offer that and true black or Classic Black/Charcoal to offer your customers.....Also with any Roll you buy the will cut it to the size you want for free.....so instead of buying to 30 inch rolls you can buy one 60 and split it....Or get a 60inch and split to 40/20 or 38/22 anything you want they can do....Also you can call and talk they might have partial rolls you can buy, Or get a partial roll buy it cost a amount to get that cut, if they still do that....Call and Talk to Howard or someone...Also if you don't like the film Howard has a 30 day money back guarantee, no questions asked.

But ceramic is a great film too...You can up sell it....Even if you get one roll and sit on it for a month a sell only one up-sell a week or two it will still pay off....

PM me if you have any other questions....

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