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This power inverter work for heat gun you think?

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Cant find the specs on my heat gun as far as amps, but I found a pretty good power inverter for mobile tinting (needed for heat gun).

1600 watts continuous power

surge protect blah blah all the goodies.

You think 1600 watts is enough to power a heatgun at least?

I would imagine so but figured I'd ask you guys. I'll keep trying to find the specs on the heat gun.

Also wanting to run a shop vac on this inverter if possible if we decide to continue with the auto detailing when we go mobile

thanks guys!

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Maybe an upgraded alternator would help? Or a second battery? I'll just have to do some research I suppose.

Know where I can find an article or forum topic or tips on mobile auto tint? I have a pretty good idea how I'll do it but wouldnt mind some first hand pointers

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Eh I think it would be a turn off to the customer and neighbors to have a generators sounding like an indy car running for an hour and a half...

Found the specs. Our heatgun is 1200 Watts

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It should work I use an Ace Hardware heatgun on low all the time. It can get the job done but I dont prefer it at all. You'll kill the customers battery.

We'll have it hooked up in the company truck with the truck running or perhaps a second battery if we can get away with leaving truck turned off during that time with occasional starts maybe.

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