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super excited about tshirt designs!

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Just got my new Coreldraw in, playin with some fun tshirt designs. Screenprinting equipment will be making us money in about 2 weeks. Of course, I'm going to do my shops tshirts first, but having fun designing shirts with tint themes and ideas. This should be the last step for us in regards to large equipment investments, now I can look to building our new bigger shop or at least start shopping for one. Hope everyone is doing well! /hugs


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black and green is pretty cool. I am working on templates now for the rest of our staff to utitilize and sell from. I am working on designing backwards because of the screens. Used to working with Adobe photoshop and illustrator. We also use flexisign for a majority of our printing and our tint cut software. Coreldraw is pretty cool, although it will take me awhile to figure out everything...too used to flexi and adobe programs lol. I get my training videos this week, then off to burning!

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Guest CZtint

Thanks for positive comments, planning on making polo or shirt aswell, T-shirt is for dirty work (when my partner changes oil and so on, I never touch dirty things) so either polo or shirt for tinting and detailing

and about corel, I think you will get used to it very fast, it's really user friendly

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