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I'm not too sure if I'll get any replies to this thread or not but I'll give it a shot.

Has any Canadians tried or using Payfirma?

If you have to ask what it is, then that would mean "no" :lol

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Heya Tint Wizard,

Hey Tint Wizard,

I wanted to say yes Im still working at Tint Factory and Al's still my boss sigh!!! ;)

This are going good here we were slow but its picking back up nicely.... how Goes things in yur neck of the woods?

TTYL and stay safe...

HaVoK aka Lance

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Things are going to good here Lance,good to year from you.

I'm one guy with two shops and too much work this time of year.

If you're ever looking for a "working vacation", let me know ! :thumb

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Things are going to good here Lance,good to year from you.

I'm one guy with two shops and too much work this time of year.

If you're ever looking for a "working vacation", let me know ! :thumb

hey I will be arriving to barrie ON this coming august im interested for a working vacation.

how far barrie is from where you are?

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Guest filbertr6


Things are going to good here Lance,good to year from you.

I'm one guy with two shops and too much work this time of year.

If you're ever looking for a "working vacation", let me know ! :thumb

hey I will be arriving to barrie ON this coming august im interested for a working vacation.

how far barrie is from where you are?


Funes, are you looking for work in Barrie Ontario Area, or were you just visiting?

Hey anyone, I see Funes hasn't logged in for a while, but if he is  in the Barrie Ontario area as he said above, and is interested in work like he said, I may be able to help him out if any one could set me up with a contact!



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