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Beautiful Day!

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Ok so one appt. didn't show, one rescheduled...sittin here on sat mornin...

First walk in was a mustang tint quote. It is XX.XX I quote him, then he is like, can ya do it today? Sure I said, nab the keys go out and there is a nice purple tint job all over the thing. Hm...ok well for removal you are lookin at XX.XX, and I am gonna need you to sign a waiver for your backglass because there is a slight chance that the defrosters will be damaged during removal. Guy gets upset, tells me we are tryin to take advantage of him. So I tell him, he is more than welcome to remove the old tint himself then bring it back to me to tint it. I inform him tho, that he has two choices once it comes back to me, if he did a fine job on removal and is totally secure with the removal he did we will do a regular clean on the glass and tint it, if there are any remnants of the old tint it isn't our fault. OR I can go over his removal and charge him so much a hour to remove anything he might have missed. He got pissed and left. Buh Bye!

Next walk in, $700 dollars worth of work, downpayment, starting it next week. Ah Saturdays, ya never know. Tis beautiful outside tho, gonna call it a day in about 30 mins and enjoy the weather! Buh Bye!

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Did the Mustang costumer get upset because of the $ for removal or the waiver.....?

Both, he thot that my org price included the removal :nope which honestly I have been having more and more customers asking if our prices do, which they aren't high imo...I am 15% lower this year than last...and almost 30% lower than when I started 6 years ago.

I think the guy up the road did a lot of jobs about 2 years ago which are now purple...and we have inherited his customers. And they aren't happy at all. And they aren't happy about paying more for us to do their work. They aren't used to paying our prices and are more upset with the fact they have to PAY to have the bad job removed and the pay again for another tint job. I even had a customer show me a recipt from the up the road guy....at the bottom it said "We are Proud to Sell XXXXXX Films with a Lifetime warranty!" in smaller text under that line "Our installs are only warranted for 1 year after installation" lol

Update: Mustang guy from this morning wanted to know if I'd tint over the purple tint and if I did that, would it make the purple tint black again.... /sigh

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Guest TintPimp

Update: Mustang guy from this morning wanted to know if I'd tint over the purple tint and if I did that, would it make the purple tint black again.... /sigh

LOL. Damn some people are stupid... :nope:D:shoot1

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Guest Retnitorp
Update: Mustang guy from this morning wanted to know if I'd tint over the purple tint and if I did that, would it make the purple tint black again.... /sigh

:lol2 ........ :lol:lol

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Update: Mustang guy from this morning wanted to know if I'd tint over the purple tint and if I did that, would it make the purple tint black again.... /sigh

LOL. Damn some people are stupid... :lol:lol2 :lol2

Why sure it does... Should have told him that eating dark meat chicken vs. white meat chicken will change his skin color also.

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