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Funny to read this as I was stood up today also. Doesnt happen a great deal but it still gets under my skin.

This particular biotch was rude when she scheduled the appointment. Then when I called to confirm she did not answer. I called a second time when she was 20 minutes late and she answered. She informed me that she called yesterday and canceled and "the guy" even thanked her for calling.

Funny thing is Im the only one picking up the phone and that particular call has slipped my mind. :lock

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So what is a decent policy to use for ppl who set up mulitple appointments and then don't show? We have even suggested strongly that those customers take their business elsewhere...I really don't need the headache and we have other ppl we could give those appointments to. I don't feel bad about sending them elsewhere, I think it is disrespectful for them to no call no show or call 2 hours later and say they aren't coming.

re-schedule them as many times as they call... do not plan for them to show up... but when they finally do... take your time and work around to get it done at your convenience... even keep it over night. that's how I roll!!!

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Last time I got stood up, It was a 16 yr old girl who wanted LIMO on a 07 Dodge Caliber(yea, real safe). I talked to the girl and before I could try to talk her out of the limo, b/c I don't do it, she goes inside and then here mom comes out and say shes sick. I could easliy tell the girl was hung over. Her mom asks if she can reschedule, I said nope, I only come out once, see ya!

I agree with the rest of you, as requiring a deposit, its what i would do if was in a shop.

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