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Its a nasty out of left field surprise but if someone owed me money and I had access to that money legally I'm going to take it. Wouldn't you?


I hate to say it, but you agreed to it in the ToS that noone ever reads. As larry said, if you default/don't pay one loan, they can legally take other money to pay it back if its under you name. Otherwise you can just keep all your money in your business account, write yourself checks and cash them at a check cashing place leaving your other account with a negative balance. That doesn't work very good for the bank.

This is one reason I have a multi-account system set up. I have a generic every day deposit account, a CC account(where all CC payments go and are then transfered, that way during chargebacks they can't automatically take the money), a business savings account, and a business "every day" checking account. These are in addition to my personal accounts.

I mean this in the best way possible, but pay your bills, and budget, and you won't have this problem.

You transfer your money because of credit card chargebacks? Sounds like you have bigger issues if customers are disputing your charges. I have never had a chargeback and I run 10K a month or more in CC transactions

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Guest scottydosnntkno
Its a nasty out of left field surprise but if someone owed me money and I had access to that money legally I'm going to take it. Wouldn't you?


I hate to say it, but you agreed to it in the ToS that noone ever reads. As larry said, if you default/don't pay one loan, they can legally take other money to pay it back if its under you name. Otherwise you can just keep all your money in your business account, write yourself checks and cash them at a check cashing place leaving your other account with a negative balance. That doesn't work very good for the bank.

This is one reason I have a multi-account system set up. I have a generic every day deposit account, a CC account(where all CC payments go and are then transfered, that way during chargebacks they can't automatically take the money), a business savings account, and a business "every day" checking account. These are in addition to my personal accounts.

I mean this in the best way possible, but pay your bills, and budget, and you won't have this problem.

You transfer your money because of credit card chargebacks? Sounds like you have bigger issues if customers are disputing your charges. I have never had a chargeback and I run 10K a month or more in CC transactions

I sell HID kits, and deal with some really shady customers. I have signed credit card receipts, signed invoices, pictures of the invoice/receipt with the HID box, and people still try and do a chargeback claiming to have "never received" it or that the charge is "fraudulent". I get 10-15 a month on average. I don't care it makes me more money, since the invoices say at the bottom that if you do a chargeback, and it comes back in my favor, there is a $25 document fee. So I run the card again for $25 :spit

I've only had one tint customer do a chargeback, and he was a fool to begin with. Brand new off the lot s65, cleanest tint job I've ever done in my life. There was two specs, quite literally two specs of dust in the back window and he did a chargeback because "product was not as described" :imok Even though it was AMEX, I still got my money. My invoices also say "I am completely happy with the work performed by XXXX, including all parts installed, labor and services performed" :thumb

Credit cards- part of business

I would venture to say that some charge backs are not legitimate.

Why blame the 'victim" is he choses to protect himself after the first instance?

If the customer is not "happy" let him tell it to judge judy.


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Its a nasty out of left field surprise but if someone owed me money and I had access to that money legally I'm going to take it. Wouldn't you?


I hate to say it, but you agreed to it in the ToS that noone ever reads. As larry said, if you default/don't pay one loan, they can legally take other money to pay it back if its under you name. Otherwise you can just keep all your money in your business account, write yourself checks and cash them at a check cashing place leaving your other account with a negative balance. That doesn't work very good for the bank.

This is one reason I have a multi-account system set up. I have a generic every day deposit account, a CC account(where all CC payments go and are then transfered, that way during chargebacks they can't automatically take the money), a business savings account, and a business "every day" checking account. These are in addition to my personal accounts.

I mean this in the best way possible, but pay your bills, and budget, and you won't have this problem.

You transfer your money because of credit card chargebacks? Sounds like you have bigger issues if customers are disputing your charges. I have never had a chargeback and I run 10K a month or more in CC transactions

I sell HID kits, and deal with some really shady customers. I have signed credit card receipts, signed invoices, pictures of the invoice/receipt with the HID box, and people still try and do a chargeback claiming to have "never received" it or that the charge is "fraudulent". I get 10-15 a month on average. I don't care it makes me more money, since the invoices say at the bottom that if you do a chargeback, and it comes back in my favor, there is a $25 document fee. So I run the card again for $25 :spit

I've only had one tint customer do a chargeback, and he was a fool to begin with. Brand new off the lot s65, cleanest tint job I've ever done in my life. There was two specs, quite literally two specs of dust in the back window and he did a chargeback because "product was not as described" :imok Even though it was AMEX, I still got my money. My invoices also say "I am completely happy with the work performed by XXXX, including all parts installed, labor and services performed" :thumb

Credit cards- part of business

I would venture to say that some charge backs are not legitimate.

Why blame the 'victim" is he choses to protect himself after the first instance?

If the customer is not "happy" let him tell it to judge judy.



It's great you can have such a positive attitude about your cutomers trying to rip you off.

"Signed credit card receipts, signed invoices, pictures of the invoice/receipt with the HID box, and people still try and do a chargeback claiming to have "never received" it or that the charge is "fraudulent". I get 10-15 a month on average. My invoices also say "I am completely happy with the work performed by XXXX, including all parts installed, labor and services performed"

Seems like a lot of trouble just to get payment for goods and or services rendered. Glad it works for you but I for one am not willing to put up with all that run around and Bull :poop Even for more money that is just not something I am willing to do. As soon as I fulfill my obligation to the customer I expect payment in full ASAP without any hassle or greif. If I have to spend more than even a second after the transaction is completed to chase my money that I rightfully deserve then that is more than I care to tolerate. I am sure there are many more on here that feel the same way. I get a $35 charge for returned checks but it is not worth it in my opinion. I certainly wouldn't hope the check is bad just to make an extra $35. My time can be more well spent than chasing my money and dealing with those headaches and hassles. :headbang

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Guest scottydosnntkno
Its a nasty out of left field surprise but if someone owed me money and I had access to that money legally I'm going to take it. Wouldn't you?


I hate to say it, but you agreed to it in the ToS that noone ever reads. As larry said, if you default/don't pay one loan, they can legally take other money to pay it back if its under you name. Otherwise you can just keep all your money in your business account, write yourself checks and cash them at a check cashing place leaving your other account with a negative balance. That doesn't work very good for the bank.

This is one reason I have a multi-account system set up. I have a generic every day deposit account, a CC account(where all CC payments go and are then transfered, that way during chargebacks they can't automatically take the money), a business savings account, and a business "every day" checking account. These are in addition to my personal accounts.

I mean this in the best way possible, but pay your bills, and budget, and you won't have this problem.

You transfer your money because of credit card chargebacks? Sounds like you have bigger issues if customers are disputing your charges. I have never had a chargeback and I run 10K a month or more in CC transactions

I sell HID kits, and deal with some really shady customers. I have signed credit card receipts, signed invoices, pictures of the invoice/receipt with the HID box, and people still try and do a chargeback claiming to have "never received" it or that the charge is "fraudulent". I get 10-15 a month on average. I don't care it makes me more money, since the invoices say at the bottom that if you do a chargeback, and it comes back in my favor, there is a $25 document fee. So I run the card again for $25 :spit

I've only had one tint customer do a chargeback, and he was a fool to begin with. Brand new off the lot s65, cleanest tint job I've ever done in my life. There was two specs, quite literally two specs of dust in the back window and he did a chargeback because "product was not as described" :imok Even though it was AMEX, I still got my money. My invoices also say "I am completely happy with the work performed by XXXX, including all parts installed, labor and services performed" :thumb

Credit cards- part of business

I would venture to say that some charge backs are not legitimate.

Why blame the 'victim" is he choses to protect himself after the first instance?

If the customer is not "happy" let him tell it to judge judy.



It's great you can have such a positive attitude about your cutomers trying to rip you off.

"Signed credit card receipts, signed invoices, pictures of the invoice/receipt with the HID box, and people still try and do a chargeback claiming to have "never received" it or that the charge is "fraudulent". I get 10-15 a month on average. My invoices also say "I am completely happy with the work performed by XXXX, including all parts installed, labor and services performed"

Seems like a lot of trouble just to get payment for goods and or services rendered. Glad it works for you but I for one am not willing to put up with all that run around and Bull :poop Even for more money that is just not something I am willing to do. As soon as I fulfill my obligation to the customer I expect payment in full ASAP without any hassle or greif. If I have to spend more than even a second after the transaction is completed to chase my money that I rightfully deserve then that is more than I care to tolerate. I am sure there are many more on here that feel the same way. I get a $35 charge for returned checks but it is not worth it in my opinion. I certainly wouldn't hope the check is bad just to make an extra $35. My time can be more well spent than chasing my money and dealing with those headaches and hassles. :thumb

Thats one thing I don't take is personal checks, unless its over $1k for a FG job, and usually then if the person has a nice enough house to put 5k in tint on it, I'm pretty sure the checks not going to bounce.

Its just part of doing business where my shops located. Certain "clientele" will do whatever they can to get a buck out of you. When i'm selling 200 kits or more a month, the 5% that are problems are not a big deal. I look at it as no different then liquor stores in the hood, which is where my shop kind of borders. They have all the cameras and bulletproof glass, because there are the shady people out there. Just have to deal with it

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It's great you can have such a positive attitude about your cutomers trying to rip you off.

"Signed credit card receipts, signed invoices, pictures of the invoice/receipt with the HID box, and people still try and do a chargeback claiming to have "never received" it or that the charge is "fraudulent". I get 10-15 a month on average. My invoices also say "I am completely happy with the work performed by XXXX, including all parts installed, labor and services performed"

Seems like a lot of trouble just to get payment for goods and or services rendered. Glad it works for you but I for one am not willing to put up with all that run around and Bull :twocents Even for more money that is just not something I am willing to do. As soon as I fulfill my obligation to the customer I expect payment in full ASAP without any hassle or greif. If I have to spend more than even a second after the transaction is completed to chase my money that I rightfully deserve then that is more than I care to tolerate. I am sure there are many more on here that feel the same way. I get a $35 charge for returned checks but it is not worth it in my opinion. I certainly wouldn't hope the check is bad just to make an extra $35. My time can be more well spent than chasing my money and dealing with those headaches and hassles. :D

Thats one thing I don't take is personal checks, unless its over $1k for a FG job, and usually then if the person has a nice enough house to put 5k in tint on it, I'm pretty sure the checks not going to bounce.

Its just part of doing business where my shops located. Certain "clientele" will do whatever they can to get a buck out of you. When i'm selling 200 kits or more a month, the 5% that are problems are not a big deal. I look at it as no different then liquor stores in the hood, which is where my shop kind of borders. They have all the cameras and bulletproof glass, because there are the shady people out there. Just have to deal with it

I get what you are saying scotty, I just hate it for you. It is sad, the world we live in, where honest business people have to go to such great lengths just to protect themselves from the growing lack of morality in our society.

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Guest scottydosnntkno
what the customer is doing is credit card fraud, you should put a sign up. "ALL Major CC's Accepted. We Will Prosecute Fraudulent Charges to the fullest extent of the law."

I have a feeling it would cost me more to deal with it that way? Since I still get my money, its not like they take the money away. if they did that then i'd be more willing to spend some money to go after them

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