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So what is his real agenda

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If you look closely, the books title is "The Post-American World". This is really scary if you think about it.



Book Synopsis

The content is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter introduces the thesis of the book: that a 'post-American' world order is emerging in which the United States of America will continue to be the most powerful nation but its relative power will be diminished. He believes that there have been three power shifts in the last 500 years: a shift of power to the West during the Renaissance, a shift of power to the US making it a superpower, and now a shift to several surging countries, especially China and India, and to non-governmental organizations. Zakaria believes that international organizations are not adapting well to emerging challenges and that there is too much focus on problems arising from potential market failures or general crises (e.g. terrorism) at the expense of focus on problems stemming from success (e.g. development causing environmental degradation, or rising demand creating high commodity prices).

I am wondering if it was written a few years ago or after he came to power??


Im a middle of the road guy when it comes to politics, and I enjoy a good read. If I read the Quran does it make me a Muslim?

I study all of my competitors products and features, does that mean I want to sell their selections?

I trust mainstream media less than politicians at this point :thumb


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