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Judge Judy - Bahahahaha

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Sorry guys, I completely forgot about this thread...Well, I won my case...It did not go down like I thought though haha....When we got in there, I thought I would get to summarize my side of the story first but noooooo....She spoke to the kid I was sueing first....She laid into him for about 25 minutes straight, telling him how dumb he was and that nobody should be friends with him etc etc....I was so nervous and everything she was saying was soooo funny, that I could not stop laughing, the bailiff was pissed I think....Oh well, the show should be funny when they air it which will be about 4 months they said so can't wait to see me not able to control my laughing....everytime she would say something funny, I would laugh, then the audience would laugh and then I would laugh harder because I couldn't stop laughing...bahahahaha...It was intense.

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Oh man, what a show boat. This show is all about her, not the cases, she doesn't even listen, she just goes on and on about her authoritah.

Yeah did you watch the one about the guy who was drunk and high?

Judge Judy to Plaintiff: "What's wrong with him?"

Plaintiff: "I dont know, maybe because he is on tv, I dont know?"

Defendant: "this is on tv?"

Judge Judy: "See what I mean?"


Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0u266b7guc

Wow. That was awesome. "TV....we on tv?" :lol

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