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do all young people get frisked at a traffic stop

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<sigh> sorry...I'll just shut-up

I didn't want anyone to shut up, I was posting my opinion. :beer

Everyone is constantly told that non whites are victims of white racism, to the point that it has been industrialized.

So when a black man dressed as a gangster gets pulled over, everyone assumes it's racism.

That's the point I was trying to make. That's all, not mad, not telling anyone to shut up. :jacked

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<sigh> sorry...I'll just shut-up

I didn't want anyone to shut up, I was posting my opinion. :beer

Everyone is constantly told that non whites are victims of white racism, to the point that it has been industrialized.

So when a black man dressed as a gangster gets pulled over, everyone assumes it's racism.

That's the point I was trying to make. That's all, not mad, not telling anyone to shut up. :jacked

I guess it was the <sigh> insinuation....kinda seems a "<sigh> why do I put up with you ppl"....condescending kinda feel to it. Isnt the internet fun!?!?!? :lol

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My point was that racism is all around us....

This thread is about whether a cop was picking on a specific kid at random or was it for a reason. (unless I am misunderstanding) Mdog pointed out that the cop was just doing it for his own safety. then, i got the insinuation that cops pick on ppl because of their looks. I posted up a vid of ppl...not cops...profiling....the point being that cops arent the only ones who profile.

I really can't argue with this point. I think it is inherent in everyone to look at an appearance and make an assumption until proven wrong. The only question is what is really in the individuals heart. Is it the color of skin that hey are making the assumption or is it the appearance based on the way the person dresses and acts?

Just curious, if the police pulled the kid over in a car that had dark windows, could he really tell the color of the drivers skin?? or did they do it based on the car fitting a profile they were told to look for in an area that has had problems??

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well damn this thread turned into claiming all white folk are racist. personally I am human and I call a spade a spade till I am shown different. My wife calls me a racist all the time. I call myself a realist. I agree with you rick, you put a minority in a neighbor hood and see the reaction. put any race in the opposite hood and tell em to steal a bike and your gonna get a riot.

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