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how to have a BOY

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I know this is WAAAYYYY off, but my wife and I are going to try to have one more and we would like to have a boy. We have two girls and I love them dearly, but I would like to have a boy to carry on the family name. Any pointers?

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you could get yourself "spun" . then artificially inseminate :booga

Is that a medical term for rosey and her 5 daughters? :thumb

nope..basically..you "donate" in a cup...then they spin it at high speed...the x chromosomes seperate from the y chromosomes...you add which ever for the s*x you want...I think it's costly though..

Guest Olfablade
I want to have a girl, how do I :thumb

Who knew TC was BI?? :thumb

Guest Braud Spectrum

Old wives tale about they kind of underwear you wear during (or just before :nope ) conceiving. Tight makes the boys warm and causes one thing and boxers let um hang and cool off and it's just the opposite effect. :thumb Have to do a search to find out which is which.

This applies to the man (not the woman) Just is case there was any confusion... :thumb

Folk Lore

Guest Film Maverick

my understanding is that you have to stick it in all the way for a boy and half way for a girl (seriously a lady told me this when my wife wanted us to have a girl)

so if you have a girl and it was in all the way I don't have any more suggestions


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