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tint on tint

Guest ceezztints

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Guest ceezztints

am makeing some tint design by hand wondering if I can put tint on tint on a window without it messing up ???help

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Guest ceezztints

am makeing some tint design by hand wondering if I can put tint on tint on a window without it messing up ???help


I dont understand the question. :DD You are worried about messing up the window? the design? the tint over-top of the design? :boogie

Guest ceezztints

just know if I can have tint on tint and if it will stick good or not not worryied about messing up the window


I would advise you take a look at some of the pics of the week. if you know what you are doing...shouldnt be a problem :boogie

Guest ceezztints

holy crap those are soooo f ing cool those cant be done by hand all I thought was black on black and I did try it >>> came out nice but screw that now I wanna try some stuff like that any tips or do I need a plotter and computer program ??? thats alot of money doe?? are they done by hand??


A plotter and program would help...but no, you don't need them....they can be done by hand. Being artistic would help....

Guest ceezztints

whatttt cool am try some things den hmmm am need color tint haha thanks have you done any designs before ??? I did black on black flames looks cool but after seeing some of those pictures I think its like a plain jane now


You probably need some more experience than 1 year to do a quality design. I would get your basics down before getting to something more complicated. I'm not trying to bust your bubble, Just my opinion if you are trying to do quality work. :ppdance

Guest mikeMN

Do you have any pics of the flames you did? :ppdance

I have done a few it is not too hard to do them.

Tint Artist has a thread on the table top as he shows it done step by step check it out.

And Jeff Rutherford Jax fl. He Dose a lot of that stuff see if he will let you check out his my space page as you will be spending countless hours on there looking around,I know I have and many pics he has................... :dunno


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