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Can You translate me text and comments :drevil

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Dartz toont tijdens Top Marques 2010 bizar pantservoertuig

In april dit jaar waren wij op bezoek bij de meest prestigieuze autobeurs ter wereld. Eén van de opvallendste standhouders waren een stel Russen. Hun Dartz Kombat voertuigen behoren tot de sterkste ter wereld. Voor volgend jaar hebben de mannen alweer iets nieuws in petto. Een unieke versie, de Monaco Red Diamond Edition.

Er zijn een aantal elementen die deze wagen nóg specialer maken dan de vorige versie die in Monaco stond vorig jaar. De kleur Ruby Red, is een matte kleur. De auto is voorzien van 22 inch, Kremlin Red Star genaamde, kogelvrije velgen. Evenals de rest van de wagen aan de buitenzijde is alles kogelvrij. Het uitlaatsysteem is van een speciaal gesteente gemaakt. Vermoedelijk ook ter beveiliging. In de grill bevinden zich witte diamanten evenals op andere plekken in de auto. Het interieur is gemaakt van, geloof het of niet, een walvissenpenis. In het interieur is het instrumentarium aangekleed met tungsteen en goud. Hoe decadent kan het zijn. Andere geintjes zijn een audio systeem en een speciale mobiele telefoon met een alarm knop. Maar het aller belangrijkste vinden de heren zelf, drie flessen, RussoBaltique Vodka, de duurste wodka ter wereld!

Of course it's my text - but what in comments? :nope:nono


Ok Leo, I'll try to tranZlate....here iz My guess.... :drevil

Presentation next year at Top Marques Monaco 2010....


1. Ruby Red mate color.

2. Natural Gold plated bulletproof windows.

3. 22' Kremlin Red Star bulletproof wheels.

4. Whale pen!s Leather interior.

5. Tungsteen exchaust.

6. Tungsteen and white gold gauges with diamonds and rubins.

7. White gold diamond and rubins incrusted badges - grill, side and dashboard.

8. Special edition mobile phone with "alert" button.

9. Additional outside kevlar coating.

10. Rogue Acoustic Audio System.

And, of course, of course -

THREE BOTTLES OF World Most Expensive Vodka - RussoBaltique Vodka, drink edition, same like was in RussoBaltique car when it visited Monaco at 1912.

You can see this bottles on picture below - right side.

Don't Drink and Drive! Enjoy this things sepearetley!

P.S. RussoBaltiqueVodka Family Relique Edition is also available.

For One Million Euro.

Start Your Family collection today.


Ok Leo, I'll try to tranZlate....here iz My guess.... :lol2
Presentation next year at Top Marques Monaco 2010....


1. Ruby Red mate color.

2. Natural Gold plated bulletproof windows.

3. 22' Kremlin Red Star bulletproof wheels.

4. Whale pen!s Leather interior.

5. Tungsteen exchaust.

6. Tungsteen and white gold gauges with diamonds and rubins.

7. White gold diamond and rubins incrusted badges - grill, side and dashboard.

8. Special edition mobile phone with "alert" button.

9. Additional outside kevlar coating.

10. Rogue Acoustic Audio System.

And, of course, of course -

THREE BOTTLES OF World Most Expensive Vodka - RussoBaltique Vodka, drink edition, same like was in RussoBaltique car when it visited Monaco at 1912.

You can see this bottles on picture below - right side.

Don't Drink and Drive! Enjoy this things sepearetley!

P.S. RussoBaltiqueVodka Family Relique Edition is also available.

For One Million Euro.

Start Your Family collection today.



Translation is different - that's N1.

N2 - WHAT'S IN COMMENTS, as You know that's much more interesting.

My release in DUtch is plus-minus MY.


een walvissenpenis.......

WHALE pen!s! :krazy


Guest foliacar

I can read it hahhaha,but leo My english is too bad for translate this..


In April this year we visited the world's most prestigious autoshow. One of the exhibitors were a couple notable Russians. Dartz Kombat Their vehicles are among the strongest in the world. For next year, the men again something new in store. A unique version, the Monaco Red Diamond Edition.

There are some elements that make this car even more special than the previous version that was in Monaco last year. The Ruby Red color is a matte color. The car is equipped with 22 inch, Kremlin-called Red Star, bulletproof wheels. Like the rest of the car on the outside everything is bulletproof. The exhaust is made of a special rock. Presumably for security. The grill are white diamonds and other places in the car. The interior is made from, believe it or not, a whales pen!s. The interior is decorated with tung stone tools and gold. How decadent can be. Other jokes are a special audio system and a mobile phone with an alarm button. But the most important find themselves gentlemen, three bottles, RussoBaltique Vodka, the world's most expensive vodka!

I can read it hahhaha,but leo My english is too bad for translate this..

:coffee I seeeeeeeeee..........

In April this year we visited the world's most prestigious autoshow. One of the exhibitors were a couple notable Russians. Dartz Kombat Their vehicles are among the strongest in the world. For next year, the men again something new in store. A unique version, the Monaco Red Diamond Edition.

There are some elements that make this car even more special than the previous version that was in Monaco last year. The Ruby Red color is a matte color. The car is equipped with 22 inch, Kremlin-called Red Star, bulletproof wheels. Like the rest of the car on the outside everything is bulletproof. The exhaust is made of a special rock. Presumably for security. The grill are white diamonds and other places in the car. The interior is made from, believe it or not, a whales pen!s. The interior is decorated with tung stone tools and gold. How decadent can be. Other jokes are a special audio system and a mobile phone with an alarm button. But the most important find themselves gentlemen, three bottles, RussoBaltique Vodka, the world's most expensive vodka!

Wooooooooooooow! You know dutch? So - nothing special - they just translated english release.



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