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Tinting Rollups

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strategically placing paper towels , wetting them so they stay in place and dont get lint on the film......thats all BS X 4 on every car...whatever works for you...

Dude...when You get to even HALF the cars I have tinted over My 15+ years , then You can critique My swagger...until then.... :dunno

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Guest thatsnappyguy
strategically placing paper towels , wetting them so they stay in place and dont get lint on the film......thats all BS X 4 on every car...whatever works for you...

Dude...when You get to even HALF the cars I have tinted over My 15+ years , then You can critique My swagger...until then.... :pfff

ok...here we go. no one asked you to bring it to this "I'v been tinting since...., I tinted so many more cars than you...." BS. No one cares. I know I dont. All im saying is, you cant post some never before seen "swagger" and get all wiggly when someone diddles your method. When you post it on the internet, be prepared for criticism, whether its constructive or not.

Ps. you been tinting 15 years...I been tinting 9 years...I have done half what you did, so I can critique you swagger. your not talking so some know it all beginner...

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I don't know about all that.... but I took everyones advice and comments.. and merged them with Booms original post... and here are my results...

First I layerd a bunchs misc. shop rags.. and THEN layered clear liner over that (more is better right???)


I decided to use a variety of rags for the test to be able to post on all types of conditions..


I even lifted the film by pinching it in the middle as to NOT get any fingerprints on the adhesive..... last thing I need is a detective finding my prints! :pfff


The Results..... Mixed...

Maybe someone can tell me where I went wrong ?? dunno.gif


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