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Guest mr3y1956

Very interesting Leo, it seems to me that there are some people in USA that want us to believe that wealth is bad and only the Government knows what is best.

I'm happy that you are living the good life.

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Very interesting Leo, it seems to me that there are some people in USA that want us to believe that wealth is bad and only the Government knows what is best.

I'm happy that you are living the good life.

I think the problem is if you give the rich a free reign to make money by any means they start to take advantage of the lesser fortunate and poor . All those banks and hedge fund guys left there firms with millions of bonuses and leaving a bankrupt business and the investors are left with nothing. Investors bought citibank ,leighman bros at $80 a share and now less than $2 . Mean while the ceo get paid millions before they bailed. I dont think thats what capitolism is .

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Very interesting Leo, it seems to me that there are some people in USA that want us to believe that wealth is bad and only the Government knows what is best.

I'm happy that you are living the good life.

We are living bad life now, Sir.

Now we known what mean loans, taxes and jobless.

This cartoon was done at 1963.

What is better? What is best? Nobody knows.

I think in modern world there are two not bad models:




In borh cases people imagine what will be tomorrow......

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