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Solamatrix press release

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Guest metro jim

I did some checking on other companies because this got my interest, heres what I found so far:

Bekaert- had violations but not at the plant where "tint" is made and likely has nothing to do with films at all. There tint plant is O-OK in my book


3m - had too many factories but violations were present, though for the size of the company its more or less like nothing. If anyone know the address or city and state where there film is made I can find out more, corporate offices address's wont help because thats not where the violations would be at.



From the EPA:

High Priority Violator (HPV) History section: "Unaddr" means the facility has not yet been addressed with a formal enforcement action. "Addrs"means the facility has been addressed with a formal enforcement action, but its violations have not been resolved

this was from nov-dec 2006, they also paid a penalty of 3647.00 around that time

They are not a "High Priority Violator" it just means they had/have an unaddress formal enforcement action, whatever that is.

with that being said they are pretty much A-OKish too


SOUTHWALL- clean as a whistle! unbelivable, nothing, super A-OK!


COMMONWEALTH LAMINATING- had 4 formal enforcement actions 3 resultin in compliance order fines 1 for 14,700 in 2004 and 2 for 25,600 each in 2006 like CPFilms these are state related (maybe they should find a new state to manufature in) pretty much OK no environmental disasters, likely really bad paperwork.


madico - in 2006 they had 12consecutive months of facility level noncompliance no fines it was problably somthing stupid A-OK here


if I missed any US plants that make film please let me know as for foreign plants we can assume the worst because very few countries have the regulations we have.

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can you please tell me how your "facts" prove that statement??? :tantrum

Look bub, If you look carefully it says "I was TOLD" I never said that I came up with it myself or that it was reported and verified. I put merely put it on here to see if it was true and how many had heard the same thing. Anyone descerning can figure that out from the Nov 28th post I made that you are replying to.

The FACTS I posted are just that, they dont support "That Statement" but they do clarify my position and what I said on Nov 28th.

And as far as proof is concerned this message board is primarily opinion driven. I haven't seen much proof in anything posted here outside of pics and tips. So put the proof cry away. You watch too much CSI and LAW & ORDER. You won't get it from anybody on here unless it was reported on CNN - which is probably where you get most of YOUR news from the sounds of it.

If we can't come on here and talk openly about the rumors we do hear in an attempt to get at the truth, then what's the value of this board? Geese! So much for being one big happy tint family!

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OK, so who "told" you this rumor? That should give people a little background to where this kind of thing is coming from.

Given the HOSTILE nature of this forum and particularly this thread ( I didn't realized that went on until now), I don't think it's fare to him to name him. That's like a cop divulging the identity of an informer - I don't want to get anybody killed even if it is just online. I don't have permission to name him so I won't. This is the court of public opinion NOT an episode of Judge Judy. He is someone who has been involved with this industry for 30 years and has manufacturing background and access. That's all you are getting. And that's all I am saying further on this subject. If he wants to come on here and make his defense that's up to him. He monitors this board annonymously like so many others. I'm sure he knows what is going on.

It's obvious there is a LoveFest going on here with the new SunGard and the Captain. FINE. Buy the stuff, put it on. I wish you all well! It's your business, put on whatever you want. You make the call. It's your call to make I really don't care anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've said all there is to say, there's nothing else to say on this topic. Done. :tantrum

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Guest Texstar
OK, so who "told" you this rumor? That should give people a little background to where this kind of thing is coming from.

Given the HOSTILE nature of this forum and particularly this thread ( I didn't realized that went on until now), I don't think it's fare to him to name him. That's like a cop divulging the identity of an informer - I don't want to get anybody killed even if it is just online. I don't have permission to name him so I won't. This is the court of public opinion NOT an episode of Judge Judy. He is someone who has been involved with this industry for 30 years and has manufacturing background and access. That's all you are getting. And that's all I am saying further on this subject. If he wants to come on here and make his defense that's up to him. He monitors this board annonymously like so many others. I'm sure he knows what is going on.

It's obvious there is a LoveFest going on here with the new SunGard and the Captain. FINE. Buy the stuff, put it on. I wish you all well! It's your business, put on whatever you want. You make the call. It's your call to make I really don't care anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've said all there is to say, there's nothing else to say on this topic. Done. :sign

Looks like your full of chitt as usual and you got called out and have no where to hide :tantrum:tantrum:lol2:lol2

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Given the HOSTILE nature of this forum and particularly this thread ( I didn't realized that went on until now), I don't think it's fare to him to name him.

But it IS fair to spread his lies?

That's like a cop divulging the identity of an informer - I don't want to get anybody killed even if it is just online. I don't have permission to name him so I won't. This is the court of public opinion NOT an episode of Judge Judy.

You aren't a cop, and he's not a witness to a crime. He's started a rumor.

He is someone who has been involved with this industry for 30 years and has manufacturing background and access. That's all you are getting. And that's all I am saying further on this subject. If he wants to come on here and make his defense that's up to him. He monitors this board annonymously like so many others. I'm sure he knows what is going on. It's obvious there is a LoveFest going on here with the new SunGard and the Captain.

I don't know Captain Bill from Captain Crunch, this thread is about putting a rumor to rest. If someone was spreading a rumor about wetintcars.com, then you could start a thread to clear that up as well.

Like I said earlier, try putting yourself in your victim's shoes, if someone was doing this to you, I bet you'd be more than a little pissed. :thumb

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Guest vclimber
I was told by an industry insider that SolaMatrix got hit with a huge Million $ fine from the EPA because their equipment was in violation of EPA standards. Their defense was they were "grandfathered" in as SunGard. But the NEW owners are NOT grandfathered in. They are considered a NEW company thus in violation.

Nice spin on the story though, I give them that. :thumb

It's funny how the alleged fine is about as much as the cost of the new equipment. Why don't you call your "insider" and ask them to send you some proof that this EPA fine actually happened? A million dollar EPA fine would definitely be newsworthy (For example, US Glass Magazine reported a $15k EPA fine on Rossford Glass) and no one can seem to fine anything. :thumb

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