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how would a GM collapse affect the tint industry

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During the detroit three meeting yesterday, the CEO's were asked, by show of hands, who got there by commercial airline. No one raised their hands. You know why?? Because they decided to take the corporate jet. Hell, they only cost 30-40 mil, not to mention the maintenance and staff required. So yeah, they so deserve a bailout. What a bunch of :shock heads. They are making no effort to make things better for the company by cutting costs. They just want to lay off a bunch of workers so they can keep their paychecks rolling in. Lets face it though, this bailout is about keeping pensions for those who worked for GM for 30 years. Although I wish nothing bad towards those people, it's time to let the failures fail (the company, not workers).

If GM is burning through 5 billion a month, what the hell does 25 billion buy/loan them...5 months?

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if GM collapses you guys will be tinting a hellova lot more fords !!

in Australia "Holden" which is a part of GM have told the world they will continue to operate even if GM does collapse so I guess you guys may still be getting out commodores and commodore utes which are pontiacs over there.

tough times ahead for the world definately but hang in there we can only try our hardest to succeed in what we do and even if succession mean just putting food on the table its upto us and hopefully the work is still around enough for that at least.

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Peckerwood AUto Execs. show up to the bailout meeting and they flew in on corporate jets :lol2 begging for money :shock what a bunch of morons :dunno

Just hurry up and file for bankruptcy already and get your prices of your automobiles back in range where a normal human can afford to by your cars :lol6

This 30,40,50,60K for a stupid vehicle is not going to work anymore.

I dont need a King Ranch jagoooff edition truck for 60K :lol however I DO need a double cab truck and I refuse to pay over 15K for it. Make it happen jagoffs or go out of bidnesssss.

People cant afford this stuff anymore.

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Peckerwood AUto Execs. show up to the bailout meeting and they flew in on corporate jets :lol2 begging for money :shock what a bunch of morons :dunno

Just hurry up and file for bankruptcy already and get your prices of your automobiles back in range where a normal human can afford to by your cars :lol6

This 30,40,50,60K for a stupid vehicle is not going to work anymore.

I dont need a King Ranch jagoooff edition truck for 60K :lol however I DO need a double cab truck and I refuse to pay over 15K for it. Make it happen jagoffs or go out of bidnesssss.

People cant afford this stuff anymore.

Say it with me now......AMMMEEENNNN

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I don't see a problem with other countries buying our products Mdog. To me, that is a good thing. As a matter of fact there are many countries that we cannot sell our vehicles to but they can sell to us. For instance Japan. When we have a good product, we should capitalize, or try to, in other countries. This is good for our economy. We don't make sh*t in the US anymore. We import EVERYTHING, and export next to nothing.

If we have a product that appeals to another country, why not sell to them? It brings more money into our country instead of sending US dollars elsewhere. :twocents

Leo, I misuderstood you, or I just didn't read your post correctly. But I still disagree about doing less automotive tinting. As far as the SUV thing, take a trip to Houston, Texas and take a look at all the SUV's and full size trucks running around here. The SUV market has certainly gone way down, but not here. Our economy is actually quite good. In fact, if you went to a restuarant or electronic store here, you would ask, "Where is this recession everyone is talking about?" I do fully understand the economy has taken a nose dive of late, however.

OK, TJ. Let's wait. let's see. This is best decision.

I can sound wrong - but I feekl situation with my ass :lol6

Time will show.

ONLY time.

We can write here anything.


I agree, only time will tell. If I'm wrong, I'll be the first to admit it. Hope your ass gets a better feeling.

:drevil:jerkit We tell such in russian "feel with my ass" - may be in american it sound quite strange :eyebrows:eyebrows:lol2

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What we are witnessing is nothing less than the engineered destruction of America, it's heritage, it's founding principles and it's economic system in hopes of dumbing and bringing us down to 3rd world status, using this contrived "crisis" to bring about a global economic system and to reduce world population.

If you think the "new boss" is going to save you, you are deluded. Through the figurehead puppet of the presidency, now that it has "left cover", those really in power will continue to advance and accelerate every destructive policy imaginable.

They use this false left/right paradigm to further the destruction on every level. These are the last days my friends.

You are brilliant Dude!

If anyone thinks Obama was elected to save America. Look at the idiots he is surrounding himself with. http://michaelsavage.wnd.com/index.php?fa=...amp;pageId=2609

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Peckerwood AUto Execs. show up to the bailout meeting and they flew in on corporate jets :eyebrows begging for money :twocents what a bunch of morons :jerkit

Just hurry up and file for bankruptcy already and get your prices of your automobiles back in range where a normal human can afford to by your cars :drevil

This 30,40,50,60K for a stupid vehicle is not going to work anymore.

I dont need a King Ranch jagoooff edition truck for 60K :eyebrows however I DO need a double cab truck and I refuse to pay over 15K for it. Make it happen jagoffs or go out of bidnesssss.

People cant afford this stuff anymore.

Say it with me now......AMMMEEENNNN


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Face it guys, we are fu@ked until the politicians and Company chiefs get their heads of their a$$es and take respnsible compensation AND the unions realize they are partially to blame. Everyone wants a lions share of the pie, but when it get's tough like now, they arent willing to give back til it gets better!!!!!

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ok....I said I was going to keep my mouth shut....but....
No one on this website will ever see a bailout if your business is not pulling its weight.

None of us own one of the largest car manufacturers in the world either. Apples to Oranges

I dont know about that. I dont believe the gov't has any business bailing any business out!! they didnt bail out FTI when they were in trouble. if they had, what message does that send to the competition? "You can run your business into the ground, and as long as you have a certain number of employee's, no problem, we will bail you out!"

When I went to get my last truck, I shopped around. I went with the GM because it was the best price I could get on a lease. (I was going to go into numbers, but wont bother) After having the truck for a week or so, the Toyota dealer's sales manager called me into his office and wanted to know why I had gone with the truck I did. I told him it basically came down to price. I told him my lease agreement and he wouldn't believe me on the numbers. I went out to the truck and brought in the lease papers. His jaw dropped and he said, "NO WAY! There is no way GM can stay in business making deals like that!!!" Well, look where GM are now! They ran a business into the ground....they knew it was coming. Now they get bailed out...what does that tell the next manufacturer!?!?! "Run your's into the ground and you will get the same bail-out!"

where do the bail-outs stop larry? how small should a company be, ie. how many employee's, before they are not deserving of a bail-out?!?!?! I dont get your reasoning....if you are big, you should be bailed out by tax dollars, if not...tough. :thumb

How can a toyota guy honsestly tell you gm will go out of business with deals like that, if he has no knowledge of Gm's cost per car? let us not forget that we dont have to spend thousands per vehicle to ship them.. Secondly I have heard in our industry people say the same thing when they seen a quote from a competitor. So his statement does nothing for me.

I think you guys are looking at the wrong people to blame for our car companys going belly up. Your so quick to blame the execs for the problems, but is it really thier fault? perhaps it is in some ways, but more so our economy right now. I find it hard to beleive that co"s that have been around forever. All of a sudden have terrible execs, who just ran it into the ground. if it was just Gm, and not the other 2 then ok I'd be fine with it. That is not the case though here! it is a mixture of our economy bieng as bad as it is. Witch by the way you guys should see that cars accross the board are just not selling. As well as it is the union guys making exorborant amounts of money for unskilled labor. our auto industry has been taking a hit for years, because the jap cars are just so much better made then ours. Why are they so much better made? Because they are not paying thier employees over $60.00 an hr to tighten a bolt. Is that the execs fault that they are bieng paid so much? Simply put you want a better car built in america at a affordable price. You must get rid of the unions!

As far as the bailout goes, well I think it is needed! If big business goes belly up, so does the rest of the country. It is the trickle affect that we are all feeling now. It would take to much time to sit here and try and explain economics and the huge gains to this country by bailing out big business. So I am not going to even attempt it!

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