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Tint Meters

Guest Diamond Tints

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Guest Diamond Tints

Ok looking to get a good tint meter, anyone suggest one?? needs to very accurate and not cost crazy money, currently have a pocket detective but it waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy out


What do you mean waaayy out??

Is it not accurate?

My Pocket Detective is a 3 piece, one for roll ups and 2 other pcs. for metering stationary glass...

They have about 3 to 5% variance...

My rep came by with his (same model) and they were 2% off from each other, but they both calibrate correctly with the test glass in the case.... :thumb

Guest tint phantom

I just was busted for dark tint, 20% tint registerd 11%. and when I asked f.h.p. how often does he gets it callibrated he said it dont have to be, cause it does it its self. has any one herd of this?

Guest Sunlimited

If the battery is low the meter wont do its job: most meters changining the battery is calibrating


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