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Tint removal in the cold weather

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Ok.....hello fellow tinters!!!!

I have a strip and retint tomorrow for the backglass with defroster lines. Now, my problem is....this is my first strip of the backglass and I don't know how to strip it w/o the help from the sun, but during the cold winter months, I'm not sure how else to approach this. Any suggestions or advice or helpful tips are very well appreciated!!!!

I've bought a steamer, but not sure how it will strip the tint off....do I just hold the steamer and peel off the tint as I go or leave the steamer on the rear deck and cover with a plastic bag.

I know if it's hot outside I can use windex w/plastic bag and "sweat it off" but not sure how to approach with a steamer and cold winter days.

Thanks a lot!!!!

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Bag it. Leave the car outside with the car running and with the heat blasting on high...also turn the defrost on.

Check the backglass every 15-20 minutes because the rear defrosters will turn off...turn em back on every time you check it.

Re-wet the backglass as needed. I would also try to put the backglass faceing the sun....that will always help this process even if its cold outside.

Hope I could help.......... :dunno


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Guest Key West

A steamer will work well, but if ya gotta bag it, just use a "black" plastic bag (Lg garbage). It might take a bit longer, but it will work. Black absorbs heat, and on the inside of the car, it'll get pretty damn hot. Enough to sweat the film off. I don't know what you call cold, but here in N. Ga, it stays around 32 quite a few days a year, and I have sweated film off in 30+ degree weather. Now if yer up there by DD in Minneapolis, I gots no Idea. People get brain freeze that far north. :evileye

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been using a torch to the outside of the glass for 5 yrs, then the 0000 steel wool. tried everything and that works the best for me, promise.

sounds like a great idea in the cold :dunno ....how many have you replaced :beer:rollin:? :?

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