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how would you approach this job?

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Ouch, I'm glad its you. You had better price that that chit higher that Mt. Everest$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$! Oh yea, buy yourself a faceshield and poncho to work that funky chit! :poke Looking closer, is that on the outside?

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Guest haroldshouseoftint

:poke like Big e said, is that exterior app :poke if so, you sell it, depending on what they want $20 - $30 a sq' for R&R, fly me up there, and I'll do it :poke:poke

How much walk room is there @ the base of those? looks like around 6 - 8" , and how is the top, stable enough to walk on :poke

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I wouldn't be approaching that job, I'd be running as fast as possible AWAY from it :poke

lying asss :poke

:lol2 like Big e said, is that exterior app :poke if so, you sell it, depending on what they want $20 - $30 a sq' for R&R, fly me up there, and I'll do it :poke:poke

How much walk room is there @ the base of those? looks like around 6 - 8" , and how is the top, stable enough to walk on :bat

maybe if you read the top of the page is an exterior remove and replace. the film is ooolldd! its delamintaed, bubbled, im bidding against the manufacturer on this one :lol2 . I was thinking more like 6-7 a sq ft :lol2

Can the frame support much weight? I wonder if a high pressure gurney would get that shiat off :poke

you know, from the inside there is a support that looks like it would hold, but no, there isnt much room to work around, windows are 24 x 92 :lol2

here's another angle and inside shot


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Guest haroldshouseoftint
maybe if you read the top of the page is an exterior remove and replace. the film is ooolldd! its delamintaed, bubbled, im bidding against the manufacturer on this one :lol2 . I was thinking more like 6-7 a sq ft :lol2

you know, from the inside there is a support that looks like it would hold, but no, there isnt much room to work around, windows are 24 x 92 :poke

here's another angle and inside shot


it doesn't say ext anything @ the top :poke

so @ $7 a sq, thats around $8500 (rounding up to 2' X 8') what mfg. are you bidding aginst :poke if it's who I think :lol2 , I'd go up there and help you on it, just to cut their throats :poke:lol2

So just going off of my quick figres, it would require 3 full 100' rolls, for ext SDSS 220 XK your @ 2300 just in film, so 6250 in labor for that kinda head ache :bat

but if your bidding aginst Vclimber :poke oh wait, he's a rep, not a mfg. :bat:poke

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