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Life Expectancy Test

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82 -- I think the unprotected risky s*x got me :lol2:rollin

Dude..that's with OTHER people ...if you are that concerned , just use an oven mitt or something from now on :lol6



Dude..that's with OTHER people ...if you are that concerned , just use an oven mitt or something from now on :lol2

Dayumm I JUST GOT OWNED and am here to admit it :lol6:rollin:lol2

Good one TW


As you would say Willie : "glad I could help " :rollin

Guest haroldshouseoftint

:hmmm mine was 90 as well, but it told me if I cut back my hours at work, it could add 1/2 a year to my life, and cut back days it could add 2 :thumb mabye I should tell my dad that :lol2

I could add 14.5 years to my life with all this stuff :tantrum Who'd have known :krazy

+ 0.5 Cutting back on your hours at work, approaching, if you can, 40 or fewer hours, could add half a year to your longevity

+ 2.0 Cutting back 1 day a week of work to 6 days a week could add 1 year of life to your longevity and going to 5 days a week could add 2 years!

+ 2.0 Some alcohol might be healthy, but not at your rate of consumption. Alcohol in the amount you are drinking is a poison to your liver, your brain and your nervous system in general. Cutting back now will have an immediate benefit. Cut back your drinking to 1-2 glasses (4 oz wine per glass, 2 oz spirits per glass, 8 oz beer) or less will add 2 years to your life expectancy

+ 2.0 If it is ok with your doctor, taking an 81 mg aspirin every day improves your hear and brain health and could help you delay or escape a heart attack or stroke. Taking an aspirin each day, perferably in the evening, could add 2 years to your life expectancy.

+ 1.0 There is a clear link between the inflammation of gum disease and heart disease. Do a good job of flossing daily and you could add a year to your life expectancy.

+ 4.0 The more you can get fast foods out of your diet the better. With your current consumption, removing fast oods from your diet could add 4 years to your life expectancy

+ 1.0 Red meat is the primary source of potentially life-shortening iron. Cutting back your read meat consumption to 1-2 days per week or less could add 1 year to your life expectancy

+ 0.5 Being in touch with your health care provider annually is very important to your strategy to screen for and prevent illness. Getting the appropriate blood tests on a regular basis could add a half a year

+ 1.5 Getting your blood pressure checked annually could add a year and a half to your life expectancy

+ 0.5 Getting your blood sugar checked could add half a year to your life expectancy

As you would say Willie : "glad I could help " :krazy

And the sad part about it is only Monday morning....could be a harsh humbling week :thumb:tantrum


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