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Which Blade should I get?

Guest kramster

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Guest kramster

The blue maxx blade, blue maxx no bevel or clear maxx blade?

Guest darkdan

Blue with or without...doesn't matter. Without you can always flip it over and have a nice good clean edge. With is easier to get all the way to the edge on roll downs.

Clear won't remove as much water and tends to "grab" the film more. Sometimes it leaves streaks that have to be cleaned off.

Crusher handle is the best. Otherwise Unger Pro handle.

Guest kramster

Which card should I get that doesnt scratch the tint? What is the most useful tool for you?

Guest Tint Technology

Orange crush. Any hard card you want, always use it wrapped, you will never scratch :evilgrin

Guest kramster

My list what do you think? I already have a heat gun and blue card

A212 Yellow Quick Foot

$3.50 $7.00

A2302 Lil' Chizler

$0.50 $1.00

A202 Conquistador

$2.50 $2.50

A1400 Unger Pro Handle

$7.00 $7.00

B3701 Auto Blue Maxx Blade


if you are a newbie you should use the clear max casue its softer and a lil more flexible and more forgiving so you will crease less :thumb

Guest Key West
Hows my list?

Buy one or two of everything in the catalog. Try them and pitch the ones that you don't like. Then make a list of the ones that are left and post that list. I'll let ya know if you are right.


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