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Madden 08 /ps3


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I just went and bought madden 08 on ps3. I've been waiting for months and finally a reason to play my ps3. I've had the ps3 since November and this is the first game I bought, I've just been using the blue ray player and rented one game just to try it out. Madden rocks!!

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I got it for 360 yesterday. I like it. I have bought madden every year since 1988 or 89 when the sega genesis came out. thats a lot of damn madden I have played :rollin its amazing how far that game has come since the first version.

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Guest tintdawg

Madden for the 360 runs at 60 fps (frames per second) while the ps3 only runs at 24 fps. Alot of game developers are choosing not to design for the ps3, so they clone it to run on it. This is an example of that prosess and shows how much it looses doing so. I'll be getting my free copy soon, so hit me up for a game. I'm testing the 'Orange box' right now as well as 'scene it'. Both are alot of fun.

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