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Driver for New Plotter


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Does anyone by chance know where I can get or may have the driver for me to install for a Rabbit plotter (HENGXING HX-1360), also known as the ArtCut 54" SD1360 by ArtSign, so that I can use my Flexi 7.6 v2 with the plotter? Any help will be greatly appreciated. The plotter came with Artcut 2006 and I finally got it working, but I don't like the headaches of having to convert inches to millimeters, unless someone knows how to change it to inches. :trustme



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Guest nascent

One of our vinyl cutters is a King......not sure where from, assuming China. We have the same problem with drivers, can anyone recommend a driver so we can cut directly from Corel / SignLab. At the moment we are exporting the file as an EPS and then importing it into ArtCut, a real pain.

Any advise appreciated.

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