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tint agent phoned me

Guest coolrides

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Guest coolrides

this guy originally supplied me with some top guard auto film to sample. didnt work but turns out he accidently rolled it the wrong way. so he phoned me and he has gave me another sample to do a rear screen with, he also gave me a sample of a film called madico but I cant really try it yet as I still have a broken thumb.

a few weeks before I got some samples of llumar film witch I loved as it was so predictable and sat down great.

anybody else used these other two films and what do they think of them??


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Guest haroldshouseoftint

95% of what I use is Madico, IMO it is one of the best films on the market, what did he send you samples of? Charcool (CH), Onyx(ON), Metal Edge(ME), or Charcaol :beer

I use CH, ME, and all of their Sunscape Select line of FG films


Check out my webpage



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Guest coolrides

he gave me charcoal 20% I think it is. but as far as I made him out its the same film for flatglass??? :dunno

he is charging more for it than the llumar dealer but as I said I cant really try it till I recover,

as for the top guard I have never heard of it :beer

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Guest coolrides

I will give it a try in a week or so, might even try it with my busted thumb cause I gettin out of practice not doing anything, you ever used llumar tinman?


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Guest haroldshouseoftint

ya, years ago, not recently, so I won't speak on my experiances with it, as I know everything changes with time :dunno:beer

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Guest coolrides

cheers tintman, I did try a sample of llumar recently an it was good but want to compare, that pretty much the only 3 films available here.

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Guest naughtydog

I did'nt think anybody brought the madico charcoal into the uk, you can get charcool and onyx. I'm not sure who distributes in Northern Ireland though.

I use onyx and I like it - it's pricey compared to a lot of the market but is a good product.

LLumar ATR is good also - a bit green looking compared to the grey/blue of the onyx.

You wont go wrong reliability wise in your climate with either product - as long as that's what you are getting.


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I would like to try some Madico but the rep. stated that they dont give samples so I thought I could buy a roll for a discount and I found out I thought wrong no discount. So I will stick to what I got I guess but I hear it's nice film and it's been around for a long time.

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Guest coolrides

was having a look at my madico sample and to me looks like pure black, but it feels very thick and plastic like? I not sure if these guys have gave me the right film, they sell it from a converted garage and I dont think they do a lot of applying films just sell it.

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