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Struck by lightning

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My buddy just sent me these photos of his house which was hit by lightning 2 nights ago here in Moncton, New Brunswick Canada. The lightning hit a tree, which the clothesline was attatched, ran down the clothesline, which was attatched to the house, skipped over and blew out one side of the patio door, (very lucky because his daughter's room is 2 feet to the right of the clothesline) also knoked out most of the electrical appliances... TV, computer network cards, telephone etc... very lucky it didn't catch fire!!




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they are lucky it didn't catch fire, and that sucks that it hit all their stuff, but most important, no body was hurt, except maybe their pants :dunno:trustme:dunno

It's kinda funny, their 1 year old daughter slept through the whole thing!!

Here's a pic of the french door of her room, I frosted the panes to match the Teddy Bear wallpaper.



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Guest haroldshouseoftint

:dunno Holy :trustme I think the reason it didn't catch fire is because it was attached to the house which is (or should be) grounded, so it just followed the path to ground wich was unfortunatly through all the electrical appliances :dunno Sounds good anyway :dunno

Glad everyones alright :thumb

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