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camaro bg tip

Guest rcjello

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Guest rcjello

ok so we all know that a camaro back window is a snap in one piece if you can get the bottom to lay down. Now with two people pushing the bottom down its no problem, alas I find myself a lone tinter and have this gem for you all. If you use a matrix glue for your back glass's then take a bead of it along the bottom of the window even before you push the water out. I finished a camaro back glass in like 15 min today. Usually I sit and heat half till it sticks then move to the other half. Obviously the usefullness of this tip will be impacted by the type of film you are using but a sure fire way to get that bstrd to stick is to use da glue.

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if you shrink it will lay easier, if you dont shrink you will have to stretch the film and I believe this glue tip would help as long as the film doesnt have too much water behind it. sometimes the water just pushes the glue out. I shrink em but if I have problems ill give it a try.

I use the glue for tons of things. yesterday some upper windows I tinted kept peeling so I glued them down. from 20' below they looked perfect.

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Guest rcjello

yeah no shrink its faster and no stretch its a compound curve like the century. What I was sayin is that if it does pop up just run a bit of glue and I've found that I can use the glue with the water still on the film and it gives it a really clean look cuz there is little haze from the glue. Its like having an extra hand when pushing the bottom of the film down.

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Guest Key West

The only time I ever have probs with them is if I cut it too wide and have alot of film on the black. Film dont like to stick to the black. I cut them REAL tight, following the edge of the black, or just shy of the black edge. That way, when I put it on the inside, it only lays about 1\8 to 1\4 inch on the black. Not much room for error, and ya gotta watch that it doesn't slip/slide when squegeeing. But that car is a piece O' cake!!! Whether or not you shrink the bottom, it's a 30 min install start to finish for the whole car!! My best time was 23 min. Now they take me about 35 to 40 min 'cuz I'm old and slow!! :evilgrin Easiest money in auto!!!

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