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For the most part, people seem to have fairly decent schedules and week day appoints are easy to setup... but I had two people call for Saturday appointments. (Flat Glass jobs) Only 4 Saturdays... fortunately (???) I don't have much of a social life, so most of the time I don't really do much anyway. So this past week I had these two call, and they wanted to get it done asap due to whatever reason. So I have one in the northern part of the state in the early afternoon, and one in the southern part towards evening. :lol:DD:DD

Lots-O-Driving. Hopefully, both people will book jobs... and I hope the weather is nice - at least I can enjoy the drives.

Of course, if I would just get more of a life I wouldn't have time on the weekends...... lol

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Guest vcreed123

We average about 800 a month, we have 35 dealerships we do work for and with the exception of 4 most are at least 30min away, f'n sucks!!!!

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