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police vehicles?

Guest tint325i

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we do the local cops and border patrol stuff here. they pay full price but takes a while to get payed. they contract to have like 5 or so done than when the last one comes they charge them all. sucks though cause the card always gets denied unless they call ahead for authorization

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Guest tintman AZ

I've done some around here. For the town I did all of them as soon as they got them. (A whooping 5 of em). For DPS I've only done a couple and the cop had to pay out of his own pocket.

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Guest tint325i

according to the guy at police hq I am dealing with alot of vehicles get tinted, not standard police cars but alot of vans and minibuses, dog cars, under cover vehicles etc. have only done around 5 vehicles so far, 1car the rest were little vans with windows in the side behind front doors and a little cage in the back for putting bad people in!!!!

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