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novelty films

Guest keepitcool

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Guest keepitcool

is there a distributer that sells all of the novelty crap films like the fades, colors, metallics or sparkle and holographics?im planning on expanding my line beyond my premium films and I wold like to deal w/ only one place for these films.

Guest Sprinter

not 100% sure but the mom and daughter in florida have most of it I'm sure! forget what they call them selves,it might be sol tec, sol teck.

Guest fastlanedesigns

TTS, are we to assume from your tone that you are not a big fan of those types of film? :thumb


I hope novelty films like colour and fader films become like break dancing and milli vanilli ....Extinct !

Guest keepitcool

so do I

but you gotta try to please the customer as much possible.and once its done its done and no warranty returns hahahahahahah! yeah its shiot but if they want shiot give it to em.


I had some customers ask about the "red" film last week. They said they saw some on a red civic and liked it. So I told them that I could get some with out the scratch resistant layer, but wouldn't last very long.

Well today I saw this civic with the "red" tint on it, And I wish I was like Mike and had my camera :rollin This thing looked awful, I mean really bad :woowoo The only civic in town that looks like a cheep pimp mobile :rollin


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