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roll downs - filing?

Guest imitane

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I have found a few posts debating whether or not to file, but none on how you guys are really doing it. I understand that it is done on rolldowns, but I would assume that there are other windows such as pop outs - anything with an exposed edge that it could be done with, right? Do you file after the tint is dried? Are you using super fine emery emery cloth? files lol? What I am picturing is leaving excess hang above the window when cutting and hanging it, then possibly shrinking it to the edge (or not) and "filing" the excess off so that the tint goes right up to the edge. Are most of you not doing it because of the possiblity that it will peel up when the window is rolled up? or does it take a long time? the look of tint going all the way to the edge is obviously better than an 1/8th gap, but not worth the extra effort and risk? thanks for any input

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I only do it on fresstanders, or frameless as some call them. It looks better than any gap, but most customer's won't notice one way or the other. It does take a little more time, but it's the tinter's opinion. Like 1 or 2 piece is better or faster, what to shrink with, remove panels or not, etc. To each his/her own.

Guest madeintheshade

I just leave the gap at the top, filing takes to log for that little added affect.


If any installers left a gap on the top of rolldowns anywhere throughout this vast land of Oz, you 'd be on the next stage out of town.

The public is totally educated on this form of installation, (including every tint business) and it would never be accepted. Just wouldn't be able to get away with it! Fact! :thumb

I have never used a file......I cut the film about a mil over the top, let it dry and then come back to the tint and with a collection of snap off blade remnants, (about and inch long) and I use these to chamfer the exposed film. Works a treat.


Top edge tinting has been going on for about 15 years or so if not more so you can see why the public is so informed about how their installations should look.


Guest sdtintin

I have been filing for about 2 months now it works ok for me n I think it looks better than having a gap at the top of the window ,but thats just my opinion it does take longer to do but I prefer doing that :thumb

Guest Sprinter

to each his own like his wallet, my customers don't pay enough for the extra time involved for it, they don't ask for it, and in my state this has no effect on if you get the tint job or not! just my opinion!

Guest Litespeeds

I call this my custom filing job and charge an extra $20 per rollup window. I usually leave a 1/16" gap but for those who want the best possible install, why not make it worth my time. :thumb


I file most roll ups the more you cut off the top with your Knife the quicker the filling. If your not too good at it at first heat the top edge after the initial cut and wait for it to dry then hit it with the file with upward strokes only. I use a small points file, the finish is so much better then leaving any sort of gap(in my opinon). Gotta agree with the devil, Ozzy customers kind of expect it.


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