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"KARL MARX VODKA"?!? Is that when you send all your money to the government and they tell you how much Vodka you can have?


Just kidding Leo, I hate communism and Marxism. Seems like your country has become free and ours is heading down the road of solialism/communism/totalitarianism. So sad.


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"KARL MARX VODKA"?!? Is that when you send all your money to the government and they tell you how much Vodka you can have?


Just kidding Leo, I hate communism and Marxism. Seems like your country has become free and ours is heading down the road of solialism/communism/totalitarianism. So sad.



You know that people use anything for making $$$..Che Guevara, Bob Marley, Karl MarX...

Once I come to shop and see nice T-SHirt with this manG...

Wow, give me :inot I asked...

We have only S-sizes! - was answer

Do You think any teen know who is that guy??? - I asked again


There is big part of truth in Your joke - during soviet power all who make $$$ (US dollars or other HARD currency) have to sell it (voluntary :inot ) to our government for GOVERNMENT course...People still kidding on that...But from other side lot of soviet sportsmans, very famous are poor people now...That's sad, yes...


Regarding socialism/communism/e.t.c. :inot - there was some happy moments at that time tooo.....

If You will ask me now what I like better - I HAVE NO IDEA. 10 years ago my answer was CAPITALISM RULLEZ!!!

About totalitarism.... :inot Not sure, but seems america is going this way now. You have to elect guy like Billy with his sigars, he have no time 4 war ........

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