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ric on a stick

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:rollin Might want to change the title for the thread though ... TD might think you have some untrue shower cam shot of him and Blade :rollin:rollin
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Guest tintgod

I would be afraid of the metal hitting the tint...and nicking it..I dont think I would try it...but that is me...I like my bulldog and sideswiper

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BLADE must be using FIREFOX :bingo I was getting the smae thing :duck but it works with internet exploder just fine :bingo


:bingo must be firefox. I have firefox at work and got a bunch of crap. use msn explorer here at home and it works fine.

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Yup, it's firefox. The mysql system just got upgraded and firefox isn't getting the correct header info. I'm not sure if I'll be able to fix this.

I may need to disable attachments and have people use photobucket instead.

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I like that pierce  :klingon 

The best part is (unlike mos of the other similar tools out there) no "give" or bend to it .


The only thing that bends is the heard card, and of course it bends with the curve of the glass

:beer Might want to change the title for the thread though ... TD might think you have some untrue shower cam shot of him and Blade :klingon  :klingon


:beer The guy whoi actualy made it was peurto rican. thats why we call it ric on a astick

I would be afraid of the metal hitting the tint...and nicking it..I dont think I would try it...but that is me...I like my bulldog and sideswiper


I have been using it for three years now tg, and have never had it rip or scratch the film

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