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How close due you have your workstation to the car

Guest chip01

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Just wondering how close you have you peelboard (workstations) to the car. Is it best to have a glass A Board on wheels are one on the wall.

Just wondering because I have always used the side of a car and with contam problems are switching to a proper workstation.

Do you use the on the wall glass board to do the final cuts off on the patterns or use is as a transfer board. What is the most popular transfer board is it one with wheels

Cheers Chip

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Guest MidcoastMW

I have a 43"X60" tempered glass table, that right now I use on saw horses, but next week or so Im building a roll-around unit for it. That way you can roll it to whatever side of the car, or area your workin on.

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Guest Key West

30' wide garage, piece of 5'x5' glass on both sides. I only have a couple of feet to the car from both sides. Roll around cart for squeegees, knives, hard cards, paper towels etc. works for me. BTW, glass mounted vertical, less dust settling on it. :cool:cool

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